*** WOFA Europa League (Played in friendly matches to Wednesday) ***
The winner of this competition will be in the Club World Cup in season 24. [Football Arena]
Tournament sort playoffs.
Season 23
Only 5 teams per country in this competition if you need to complete the number of registrations will be open to exception.
Only teams in Europe.
Will start from February 20 after the teams finished their national competition.
In single game with the winner advancing to the next phase.
More information and questions about our tournaments WOFA check the forum posts. [Football Arena]
Registration open for the tournament friendlies.
01. FC CRUISEN - cruisen [Football Arena] (Slovakia)
02. Dias FC - olympian god [Football Arena] (Cyprus)
03. Cardiff University - cemeg [Football Arena] (Wales)
04. SK Slavia Vehlovice - 3IVO3 [Football Arena] (Czech Republic)
05. Korona Inowroclaw - smokey [Football Arena] (Polonia)
06. bravo98 - carlosbravo [Football Arena] (Portugal)
07. K.F Skenderbeu Korce - Armandozaimi [Football Arena] (Albania)
08. 1. FC Igelshieb - Lukas1 [Football Arena] (Germany)
09. FK Kowanowko Garden - mati013f [Football Arena] (Polonia)
10. Irish Stars - Paul 1991 [Football Arena] (Ireland)
11. FC Vehlovice - stick2 [Football Arena] (Czech Republic)
12. Valientes Aquilas - MImek [Football Arena] (Polonia)
13. Szolidak - Szolid [Football Arena] (Hungary)
14. MLKS Warta - BartoszM [Football Arena] (Polonia)
15. FC Bayern Muenchen - TitanFan [Football Arena] (Germany)
16. WTS Mewa Gniew - ronias133 [Football Arena] (Polonia)
17. BC Augsburg - Schwabenpower [Football Arena] (Germany)
18. Mitrovica FF - isakm [Football Arena] (Albania)
19. FC ISAKOV - isakov [Football Arena] (Israel)
20. U. E. Europa - Gaudi [Football Arena] (Spain)
21. ZOOP - ZAHI99 [Football Arena] (Israel)
22. Xarapades F.C. - polpan [Football Arena] (Greece)
23. Olympiakos Piraeus - gavros [Football Arena] (Greece)
24. F.C. Stevenson - Stevenson [Football Arena] (Italy)
25. pinokio13 - paul13 [Football Arena] (Greece)
26. Triathlon Power - exprof [Football Arena] (Italy)
27. Marioteam - Marios009 [Football Arena] (Greece)
28. FK EkV - peko11 [Football Arena] (Montenegro)
29. Moj FC - lakimilosavljevic [Football Arena] (Montenegro)
30. FK Teteks - GhOsT rIdEr [Football Arena] (Macedonia)
31. Rapid Giuleshti - giuleshti [Football Arena] (Romania)
32. Sporting CP - roliveira [Football Arena] (Portugal)
The winner of this competition will be in the Club World Cup in season 24. [Football Arena]
List of teams by country:
Polonia - 5
Greece - 4
Germany - 3
Czech Republic - 2
Israel - 2
Italy - 2
Montenegro - 2
Portugal - 2
Albania - 1
Hungary - 1
Slovakia - 1
Wales - 1
Cyprus - 1
Ireland - 1
Israel - 1
Spain - 1
Macedonia - 1
Romania - 1
Primeira Fase / First Phase - 1/16
Oitavas de Final / Eighth Final - 1/8
Match 17 = M 01 x M 02
Match 18 = M 03 x M 04
Match 19 = M 05 x M 06
Match 20 = M 07 x M 08
Match 21 = M 09 x M 10
Match 22 = M 11 x M 12
Match 23 = M 13 x M 14
Match 24 = M 15 x M 16
Quartas de Final / Quarter Final - 1/4
Match 25 = M 17 x M 18
Match 26 = M 19 x M 20
Match 27 = M 21 x M 22
Match 28 = M 23 x M 24
Semifinal / 1/2
Match 29 = M 25 x M 26
Match 30 = M 27 x M 28
Decisão Terceiro lugar / Third Decision
>> Loser M 29 x Loser M 30
>>> ***** Final ***** <<<
>> Winner M 29 x Winner M 30
More information and questions about our tournaments WOFA check the forum posts. [Football Arena]
® Lima & York Entertainment